Volume 4    Number 6

Yellow Elder: The National Flower of The Bahamas

Yellow Elder Blossoms

Yellow Elder Blossom

We stopped to take a picture of these beautiful yellow flowers near the Elementary School on San Salvador, The Bahamas just as school was letting out. Several students stopped to talk to us and ask what we were doing. When we asked them about these flowers, they told us that they were called Yellow Elders and were the National Flower of The Bahamas.

Just as the Bald Eagle is a symbol for the United States, The Bahamas has several different national symbols of its own. The students told us that the Blue Marlin was the Bahamian National Fish, and that the Flamingo was the Bahamian National Bird.

We saw Yellow Elder bushes all across San Salvador. The bright yellow blossoms were easy to see. They decorated gardens, fields, and roadsides. Small bushes only a few feet tall had several dozen blossoms. The largest Yellow Elder we saw was 20 feet tall and was covered by over one thousand blossoms.



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