Corals are Shelter:
A Squirrelfish takes refuge in a Brain Coral at
The Strip Reef near Bimini, The Bahamas
Some fish, like this Squirrelfish, could not survive without the protection of Corals. This Squirrelfish is a nighttime hunter. Its red color makes it nearly invisible at night, but it must hide deep in the reef to avoid predators by day. This small cave near the top of this massive Brain Coral is just right for a hiding place for this Squirrelfish.
Notice the size of this Squirrelfish's eye. Like other nighttime hunters, this Squirrelfish has huge eyes to make the most of the light of the moon and the stars.
This Brain Coral has smooth ridges and is a type known as the Symmetrical Brain Coral. This Brain Coral was over three feet tall. Because corals only grow about 1/4 of an inch each year, this colony was at least 150 years old!
Learn more about the reefs of Bimini on the ReefNews Bimini webpages.